TOYHEM! One of the greats, more than 50 years later…
Welcome to TOYHEM! For the sixth straight holiday season, we’re bringing you a series of features and columns celebrating the toys of our youth, which often made for the best memories this time of year. Click here to check out the complete index of stories — and have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah and Happy Holidays! — Dan
UPDATED 12/12/24: I LOVE this set, so we’re re-presenting this INSIDE LOOK from 2019. Also, click here for an INSIDE LOOK at the Spider-Man version. Dig it! — Dan
My first Mego superhero was Batman with the removable cowl, which probably comes as no surprise to regular readers of 13th Dimension. I got him when I was about 5 years old.
But what is Batman without Robin? So, for some time after I got the Caped Crusader — days? weeks? — I hectored my parents to deliver unto me the Boy Wonder. (Mostly my Mom, I’m sure. She was the softer touch.)
So, finally one afternoon in what I can best determine to be early 1973, Mom came home with Robin in hand.
Naturally, I was ecstatic, even though I was a little disappointed that Robin’s mask was painted on. (I missed out on the brief wave of Removable Mask Robin, which I knew about thanks to my pal Phillip Tagliaferri. Click here for that entertaining story.)
But Mom also had a surprise for me — she held out this white rectangle of vinyl with Batman and Robin painted on the front, promising something “FANTASTIC”: A playset by Ideal.
I was mystified because I had no real understanding what this was. Besides, I was too distractedly happy that I finally had a Mego Robin to go with my Mego Batman.
But then I took a closer look, popped the snap and opened it to find a miniature world of Batman adventure. The case folded out to form a diorama with three sections: Wayne Manor, the Batcave and a museum that was designed to prove irresistible to villains of every stripe.
There were working doors, including my favorite — a bookcase that led from Wayne Manor to the Batcave a la the Adam West TV series.
But it was the cast of cardboard characters, vehicles and props — printed with fronts and backs to give you a 2D facsimile of reality — that really made this Gotham City microcosm come alive.
There were 20 in pieces in all, each with a plastic stand:
— THE HEROES: Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson and Batgirl:
— THE ALLIES (AND PROPS): Alfred, Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara (in what I think was his only appearance as a figure until Figures Toy Company came along decades later). Plus, items suitable for stealing from the museum — a Greek urn and a trove of “crown jewels”:
— THE VILLAINS: the Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman and Mr. Freeze:
— THE BAT-ARSENAL: a blazing Batphone, the Batmobile, Batplane, Batcycle and Batcopter, which was really the comics’ Whirly-Bat.
This was Batnip, plain and simple.
The characters – a mix of Silver and Bronze Age styles, with a touch of Golden Age thrown in – moved from scene to scene: Bruce and Dick in the study, then transforming into Batman and Robin in the Batcave. The Batmobile taking them to the museum for a showdown with any number of villains attempting to steal priceless antiquities.
A post-caper meeting with the Commissioner and O’Hara, who arrive at the museum to take the defeated villains away. And, finally, a trip home, where Alfred waits, loyal and ready for the next adventure.
Or any variation thereof.
Sure, the characters weren’t poseable and sure the heroes couldn’t fit into the vehicles – remember, it was if everything had been hit by Dr. Cassandra’s Alvino Ray Gun – but that’s where your (gasp!) imagination came in.
Now, over the next couple of years, I filled out my Batman Mego collection to include all seven heroes and villains, as well three vehicles and the Batcave — which is its own story. (Click here.)
And there’s no question that Mego far surpassed what Ideal had put together here. Nevertheless, I kept coming back to this little lo-fi playset, a change of pace that gave me many, many hours of joy and fun.

I also got the Spider-Man set and just recently picked up the Superman set. There was even a Dick Tracy set, though that’s not really my cuppa.
And hey, the Ideal set even had Mego beat in some areas – with Mr. Freeze, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Chief O’Hara and the Batplane among the characters and vehicles that the latter company ignored.
Over the decades Mego has spawned its own subculture of websites and Facebook groups and companies dedicated to recapturing the glory days. I happily celebrate all of that because Mego was top of the heap – and still is.
But this plucky little playset – the most underrated Batman toy ever — had its place too:
Right in my heart.
— The Complete TOYHEM! Index of Features and Columns. Click here.
— Ideal’s 1973 SPIDER-MAN PLAYSET Was Truly Amazing. Click here.
December 24, 2019
The artwork for the characters is pretty good for this toy.
December 25, 2019
I had all four and loved them beyond belief. I put them on eBay around 10 years ago and got a decent price. The Dick Tracy one was bought by a big fan who had been looking for it for years. I felt great that he finally had it.
December 27, 2019
I remember seeing that as a child. A loving memory of something I longed for.
December 11, 2021
I still have mine!
I also used it as a play set for the Mego Pocket heroes.
I wish I had gotten the other 2 sets.
December 28, 2019
The playset was great fun, and it got you to use your imagination. I had all three superhero ones but missed on on Dick Tracy.
December 8, 2021
I had Superman and Spider-Man, and loved these things so much. I remember buying them at a yard sale, for $1 each, and played with them for years. No lights, beeps, or other flashiness… Just you and your imagination.
December 8, 2021
I’d love to see the Spider-Man and Superman sets.
December 28, 2021
KICKING MYSELF that I sold this one. I still have the Superman set, though.
December 6, 2022
So great to see this playset getting some love.
December 6, 2022
I had this playset as a kid and I split equal time between Mego figures and its fantastic Batman. I can still smell that vinyl! The art on this is so good! It really sings and it helped cement my then burgeoning understanding of the difference between TV Batman and Comic Book Batman. Thanks for the nostalgia burst!
December 7, 2022
I had completely forgotten about these. I had the Batman and Superman sets. Thanks for the memories!
December 7, 2022
Seems like a good value!
January 8, 2023
I’m currently creating a DYI 1966 Batman tv show version of this playset. Very early stage, but I love this toy as a kid and used to make my own paper figures and carry them around in a cardboard sleeve. One of my all-time favs.
February 23, 2023
Does anybody know what this playset looked like unopened? I can’t find any images. Iwas wondering if it had a wrapper of some sort?
February 23, 2023
It looked like the top picture, except it had a cardboard seal. It may have been shrinkwrapped too. Otherwise, that was it.
February 23, 2023
Cardboard seal? Like a band around it? Thats what I kind of remember. Thanks for reply!
December 23, 2023
While I have never seen that
December 13, 2024
I remember seeing one! Thanks for the pics! “Batnip,” love it!