Posted by Dan Greenfield on Sep 18, 2024
RETRO HOT PICKS! On Sale This Week — in 1977!
Scott and Dan hit up the comics racks from 47 years ago… This week for RETRO HOT PICKS, Scott Tipton and I are selecting comics that came out the week of Sept. 18, 1977. Last time for RETRO HOT PICKS, it was the week of Sept. 11, 1988. Click here to check it out. (Keep in mind that comics came out on multiple days, so these are technically the comics that went on sale between Sept. 15 and Sept. 21.) So, let’s set the scene: This is it. This is the pop-culture moment that defined a show, an era and a generation for decades to come. On Sept. 20, in the second episode broadcast for the fifth season of the hit show Happy Days, Arthur Fonzarelli — aka Fonzie, aka the Fonz — dons a pair of tight blue swimming trunks to go with his iconic brown leather jacket, settles into a pair of water skis and with the aid of his pal Richie Cunningham, who is driving the attached motor boat, zooms up a ramp at Paradise Cove in Malibu, California, and soars over a deadly Carcharodon carcharias penned in under the water. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Fonzie — and Happy Days — jumped the shark. Actually, to be fair, the show remained a big hit for years to come and wasn’t even halfway through its run. But still, it was absolutely bonkers. Years later, Henry Winkler, who embraces the whole “jumping the shark” schtick, recalled in an NPR interview that his father pushed him to tell producer Garry Marshall that he water skiied. “Dad, I don’t think I’m going to do that. No, no. ‘Tell him you water ski. It’s very important.’ I finally tell Garry, ‘My father wants you to know I water ski.'” And the rest is television history. Winkler did do the water skiing for the scene but the jump was performed by a pro, Ricky McCormick. Sorry to burst the illusion! Nobody seems to mention that the episode was trading on Jawsmania, which was already more than two years old by that point. But I’ve also long thought of the stunt as a spiritual sequel to the Season 3 storyline where Fonzie gets into a white-and-blue leather suit and jumps a motorcycle over 14 garbage cans — a clear riff on the popularity of Evel Knievel....
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