There’s something wonderfully ’70s about this muscle car…
Y’know, what? I’m tired of Bat-tanks. Frank Miller had a great idea in The Dark Knight Returns but it’s been beaten to death by now, don’t you think?
I miss the days of a sleek, or at least reasonably maneuverable, Bat-ride.
So I gotta say I got a bang out of seeing director Matt Reeves’ pix of the Batmobile — released Wednesday on Twitter — from the forthcoming The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson:
I mean, compared to the Tumbler and whatever it was that Ben Affleck drove, this is practically a compact car.
I kid, of course, because it’s really badass — and it reminds me exactly of the back-to-basics approach that Neal Adams took with the Batmobile in 1970’s Detective Comics #400:

“Dig this experimental car…” Inked by Dick Giordano. Written by Frank Robbins.
Here’s another look, from Detective Comics #402, also with art by Adams:

Also inked by Giordano and written by Robbins.
There’s also this original art from Adams’ 2010 Batman: Odyssey #1:
Even Eaglemoss has done a model of it:
Is it exact? No, of course not.
But it’s certainly reminiscent — lending more credence to the idea of a grounded Dark Knight in the upcoming film.
— 13 DAYS OF THE NEAL ADAMS GALLERY: Cruising in the Batmobile. Click here.
— The BATMOBILE Decade by Decade. Click here.
March 4, 2020
nope, sorry dan, i don’t see a single thing they have in common other than them being sports cars. Not a single line, shape or feature looks the same on front or back end
March 4, 2020
Nice design for the Batmobile.
March 4, 2020
The Eaglemoss model makes the disproportionate Corgi version look like a freakin’ masterpiece.
March 4, 2020
Back in the day, he could have driven a Batacuda or a Flying Mousetang. Now he need a Batgatti or a Lamborbatty.