Special San Diego Comic-Con variants for Tales of the Titans #1…
Hey, you know how DC is doing a special San Diego Comic-Con-exclusive variant cover for World’s Finest: Teen Titans #1 that’s an homage to 1980’s The New Teen Titans #1? If you haven’t seen it, click here to check it out because it’s a groove.
Anyway, turns out that Alex Ross is doing a couple of SDCC variant covers that pay tribute to NTT #1 and George Perez’s Starfire design. They’re not for the World’s Finest spinoff but for this summer’s Tales of the Titans miniseries, which mimics the 1982 miniseries Tales of the New Teen Titans.
Dig these:

Ross Cover A

Ross Cover B
And here’s the pitch, from Ross’ website:
This SDCC 2023 Exclusive Comic will be available for a highly limited pre-order on July 6, 2023. Be sure to join the waitlist!
Tales of the Titans is an all-new series of spotlight issues in the spirit of the beloved 1980s classic Tales of the New Teen Titans.
To celebrate this new series, DC Comics & Alex Ross Art have teamed up to create this SDCC Exclusive Comic. Cover A features a George Perez homage. Cover B is a never-before-seen sketch of Starfire, presented here as a Virgin Variant.
Signed Comics and CGC 9.8 include a certificate of Authenticity:
Cover A: Unsigned, Signed & CGC 9.8 ($30/$75/$200)
A & B Set of 2: Unsigned, Signed & CGC 9.8 ($75/$150/$400)
You can click here to get on the waiting list, if you’re so inclined. Meanwhile, dig this side-by-side comparison:

Original by George Perez and Dick Giordano (natch)
— WORLD’S FINEST: TEEN TITANS #1 — DC Busts Out the Bronze Age for SDCC Cover. Click here.
— Dig Doc Shaner’s Groovy ROBIN Cover For DC’s Retro TEEN TITANS Series. Click here.
June 30, 2023
June 30, 2023
My nostalgia senses are going through the roof by seeing these two variant covers from Alex Ross!
July 2, 2023
I really love how Ross is doubling down on Perez’s depiction of Dick having outgrown his Robin costume!