A FIRST LOOK! PLUS: Batman #655 San Diego Comic-Con exclusives…
UPDATED: Alex Ross has also gotten into the act! Click here.
The one new series I am most looking forward to this year is World’s Finest: Teen Titans, spinning off from Mark Waid and Dan Mora’s first-rate Batman/Superman: World’s Finest.
The series, by Waid, Emanuela Lupacchino and Jordie Bellaire, launches July 11 and tells a tale of the classic ’60s Teen Titans (plus ’70s addition Bumblebee) with a modern sensibility. If it’s anything like the flagship WF, we are really in for a treat because that series is a love letter to the Silver and Bronze Ages.
Anyway, DC knows what it has on its hands and has revealed a special San Diego Comic-Con variant cover for Issue #1.
Dig this, along with the back cover on the left:
That’s Chris Samnee’s main cover partying like it’s 1980-ish. I groove to the retro coloring and printing but I’m especially taken with the trade dress, which features not just the classic DC Bullet but also riffs on the original New Teen Titans logo, like so:
It’s even has a similar “1st Issue” burst.
Now, I know what you’re saying. You’re saying, “Dan, the original Teen Titans line-up and The New Teen Titans line-up are pretty different. This doesn’t match.”
To which I respond: “I don’t care. Waid and Mora’s entire WF schtick has been about mixing eras and distilling what we love most about these characters. So, bring it, I say. Bring. It.”
Here’s Samnee’s regular main retail cover, by the way:
Click here for the rest of the retail Issue #1 covers. (By the way, I’ll keep saying this every chance I get: I want a WF: Batman and Robin spinoff by Waid and Samnee. Like, a lot. As in, I would drop everything to read that.)
Here’s DC’s announcement of its full SDCC variant slate:
“On sale in DC’s all-new booth will be a wide variety of comic books, graphic novels, and new merchandise from DC and DC Shop. While supplies last, DC will be selling limited printings of Superman “Big Blue” Edition, Silver Screen Editions of Batman #655, Booster Gold #1, Authority #1 and Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow #1, a facsimile blank sketch cover variant of Batman #655, SDCC-exclusive hardcovers for Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping Into the Light, Poison Ivy Vol. 1: The Virtuous Cycle and Batman by Grant Morrison Omnibus Vol. 1, plus limited-quantity chase product like the Sandman Helm Masterpiece Edition, and more.”
2006’s Batman #655, huh? Hmm. Damian’s first appearance (if you don’t count Batman: Son of the Demon). Interesting timing: DC’s got a new (modern) Batman and Robin series starting this fall. And DC Films’ Batman flick will be about Bruce and Damian.
All that aside, it’s a damn great comic by Grant Morrison, Andy Kubert and Dave Stewart. I hope a retail version is on the way.
Plus, check out the sketch variant. One of my fave logos. Should have lasted longer:

So nice.
— Dig Doc Shaner’s Groovy ROBIN Cover For DC’s Retro TEEN TITANS Series. Click here.
June 29, 2023
I’m sorry but if Bumblebee was a great addition to bring back then why was TT not a 70s hit before the relaunch under Wolfman? Joker’s Daughter is in that same vein too.
On a related note, Alex Ross just advertised a version of the ‘80s #1 cover. That I will most likely get even at his inflated prices.