BATMAN FAMILY resurgent: combining all the Super Spectaculars in one volume…
2019 gave us Detective Comics #1000, celebrating eight decades of Batman, and just this month we got the Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular, marking the Boy Wonder’s 1940 debut.
On the way are April 15’s Catwoman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular and April 29’s The Joker 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular. But with Diamond temporarily ceasing shipments of new books as of the April 1 titles, it’ll take a bit to figure out how and when these will actually see print.
All that said, according to an Amazon listing, DC is planning the Batman Family 80th Anniversary Collection — a hardcover compendium of all four issues this fall, plus material from the Detective Comics #1000 Deluxe Edition and the Detective Comics: 80th Anniversary Giant.
Dig the official description, along with placeholder art, pencilled by Patrick Gleason:
Batman Family 80th Anniversary Collection
Batman Family 80th Anniversary Collection brings together the most iconic stories and incredible art of the past 80 years!
Over the course of 80 years, Batman has taken on countless villains in the fight for justice. Now readers can enjoy this incredible collection that brings these stories together effortlessly and with art that is unmatched! Celebrate the 80th anniversary of the hero Gotham needs and the people who have shaped his life! With Robin, Catwoman, the Joker, and so many more familiar friends and foes–the Batman Family 80th Anniversary Collection is the perfect way to bring the whole Batman Family home!
Collects Detective Comics #1000, Detective Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition #1, Detective Comics: 80th Anniversary Giant #1, Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1, Catwoman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1, The Joker 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1, as well as art from your favorite artists!
A few thoughts:

1950s tribute cover by Michael Cho
— The 396-page volume is scheduled for Oct. 20 and lists for $29.99.
— The description doesn’t make it clear, but I hope that the book included all the variant covers for these issues, because there are some great ones out there — both decade-tribute variant covers and retailer exclusives. It would be great to have all of that art in one place.
— I just love hearing the term Batman Family bandied about. A Bronze Age classic.
— Standard caveat: This book has not been officially solicited by DC yet, which means nothing’s official until it’s official. And even then it can change. Not just that, the coronavirus pandemic has ground the industry to a halt, so what impact that will have on publication dates remains to be seen. So be patient, be cool and keep your eyes open.
— To whet your appetite, though, check out the links below to some of niftiest covers for these issues.
— Dig the Final Versions of the DETECTIVE COMICS #1000 Variants. Click here.
— The 13 Coolest DETECTIVE COMICS #1000 Variant Covers. Click here.
— Dig NEAL ADAMS’ Three DETECTIVE COMICS #1000 Covers. Click here.
— Dig the Final Versions of the ROBIN 80th ANNIVERSARY Variants. Click here.
— DC’s 1970s ROBIN Anniversary Cover Is a Treat For MEGO Fans. Click here.
— Dig the Final Versions of the CATWOMAN 80th ANNIVERSARY Variants. Click here.
— Dig ARTHUR ADAMS’ Outstanding JOKER 80th ANNIVERSARY Cover. Click here.
— Dig JIM LEE’s JOKER 80th ANNIVERSARY Variant Cover Saluting the 1970s. Click here.
March 27, 2020
Pass. At first when I saw post I was excited it might be about the original BATMAN family. For the ones I already have at $10 a pop….. no more. I’m more interested in solid hardcover reprints of when comics were fun to read.
March 27, 2020
Nice Bat Family cover by Patrick Gleason.
March 29, 2020
A hardcover collection of a bunch of stuff they just published last year? Hard pass. I spend so much money coming to your site- i.e. the Marvel Mini Books, but this is a nice bit of savings.