Perhaps the greatest Floating Heads series ever…
Last week’s RETRO HOT PICKS took us back to 1979 — and reminded me of a groovy series that was very much of its time: Marvel’s Fun and Games Magazine, a comics-size pub that was jammed with, yes, fun and games for the House of Ideas’ fandom.
The book was the brain child of Canadian puzzle maven and comics artist Owen McCarron and ran from ’79 to ’80.
As it happens, there were only 13 issues — but that gives us just enough to show off all 13 COVERS of a mag that probably had more floating heads per capita than any other title in comics history. And you know how we feel about floating heads.
Anyway, summer’s still here so there’s still time for fun and games! Dig these:
— 13 COVERS: All Hail … FLOATING HEADS! Click here.
— 13 MARVEL COLORING BOOK COVERS to Make You Feel Good. Click here.
August 20, 2021
Fun N Games was such an oddity in the 80’s… a comic book you were meant to deface. But I loved it and bought every issue I came across. I loved the re-use of classic art from various marvel comics… There was also a black and white trade paperback (sort of digest-sized) sold through the Schoolastic book orders from elementary school.