Great news from the 30th century…
Well, this has really become a thing, hasn’t it? After the recent Superman vs. Wonder Woman and the upcoming Amazing World of Superman, DC has yet another treasury edition reprint on the way: Paul Levitz and Mike Grell’s Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes tabloid — aka All-New Collectors’ Edition #C-55 — which will be re-released in full size as a hardcover later in 2021.
Check out the official description from Penguin Random House, which handles DC for the book market:
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Tabloid Edition)
This tabloid-size masterpiece reprints a classic Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes story by Paul Levitz and Mike Grell in full size for the first time.
Superboy arrives in the future for the wedding of Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad only to find a world totally different from the one he is used to visiting. The future is now an armed camp and the Legionnaires insist it has always been that way. With Superboy unable to convince his teammates that something is wrong, the wedding proceeds as planned, only to have the bride and groom kidnapped by the Lunarites. Convinced that the altering of history is the real issue, Superboy leads a group of legionnaires back in time, while the rest of the group attempts to rescue their teammates. Can Superboys team correct the flow of time and save all the future? Includes a 2-page pin up of the entire Legion by Mike Grell and an 8-page feature containing information on each of the legionnaires by Paul Levitz, illustrated by James Sherman and Jack Abel.
A few thoughts:
— The book, which was originally published at the end of 1977, is due Dec. 7. It lists for $39.99.
— This clearly signals that these treasury reprints are doing well. Marvel has one coming this summer too. There have been others in the past, such as Superman vs. Muhammad Ali, The Bible and a new Famous First Edition, but it sure looks like DC’s increasing the frequency of these beauts.
— Standard caveat: This has not been solicited by DC yet, so nothing is official until it’s official. Even then, things can change. Just keep coming to 13th Dimension for updates.
— So, seeing as how Batman is such a great seller in general, how long before we get a reprint of Limited Collectors’ Edition #C-51? Really — HOW LONG??
— The TOP 13 TREASURY EDITIONS That Need To Be Re-Released — RANKED. Click here.
— The Brilliant Majesty of the BATMAN-RA’S AL GHUL Treasury. Click here.
March 23, 2021
That Mike Grell cover is GOLDEN!
March 23, 2021
Vinnie Coletta inks. Which really is a shame.
March 24, 2021
Agree. Any Chance we can get Mike to i-re-ink this himself.
March 25, 2021
is the art good or bad?
March 27, 2021
The inks are really bad on this, Colletta had a reputation as a hack. But he got jobs done that was on a tight schedule. He had a tendency to ignore intricate pencils and on this it really shows.
That being said it is a great story
March 26, 2021
Agreed. I was never a fan of Vinnie’s inks. Some books his style looked good but most books, like Jack Abel, didn’t compliment the artist they were inking! AT ALL! Bring on Bob Wiacek or Joe Rubinstein or Bob McLeod any day of the week!
March 23, 2021
One more thing I totally don’t need but absolutely must have.
March 24, 2021
Not a big fan of the LSH but I am all in on this HC.
March 24, 2021
Ah yes, I remember buying the original of this from my LCS when it came out. Not only does this announcement mean the hardcover repros of the tabloid editions are doing well, it also states classic Legion collections are doing well. DC might should consider trying a new series of LSH adventures, written and drawn in the classic vein. Much like the story in the Walmart “Beyond” Giant.
March 24, 2021
still have my copy that I bought when I was a wee lad of 13.
March 25, 2021
I was 11. I also have the original but will pick up this as well.