Kirby and Cap’s trip through the centuries returns in time for July 4!
I dig Facsimile Editions, I dig Epic Collections, I dig True Believers comics. I dig anything that replicates an old-school reading experience.
But of all the reprints that are out there, what I probably dig the most are treasury editions, which have made something of a comeback the last few years.
Well, get ready for a big one this summer — Marvel Treasury Special: Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles by Jack Kirby, which will be re-released in all its paperback glory, according to an Amazon listing:
Amazon doesn’t offer a description much beyond that other than a June 22, 2021, release date (which means it’ll likely be in comics shops a week or two sooner).
A few thoughts:

The original table of contents
— The reprint lists at 112 pages for $29.99. The original was $1.50 — but a nice-looking copy recently sold on eBay for $51. So $30 is a decent bargain. (And if that 112-page count is accurate, there may be some extra material planned for this edition.)
— Here’s how Marvel describes the original on the publisher’s website: “Commemorating America’s Bicentennial! Check out Captain America’s time-bending adventure as told by Marvel legend and Cap co-creator, Jack Kirby! A history lesson through the ages…starring the First Avenger!”

The original back cover
— This issue made Rob Kelly’s list of the TOP 13 TREASURY EDITIONS THAT NEED TO BE RE-RELEASED — RANKED. This is what Rob said about it: “A treasury-sized, all-original Captain America story by Jack Kirby? Do I need to say more? (No.)”
— Standard caveat: As far as I can tell, this has not been solicited by Marvel yet, so nothing is official until it’s official. Even then, things can change. Just keep coming to 13th Dimension for updates.
— MARVEL Adds Two ‘Treasury Editions’ to 2021 Line-Up — Including GIANT-SIZE X-MEN. Click here.
— The TOP 13 TREASURY EDITIONS That Need To Be Re-Released — RANKED. Click here.
January 20, 2021
My comics reading is 100% DC but even I’M tempted to get this re-release!
January 20, 2021
I have fond memories of stretching out on the living room floor at my grandpa’s house reading this as he watched wrestling, in ’76. I had since lost my copy, but my wife bought me a bunch of treasury comics a few years ago for Christmas, and this was one of them. Pretty much a mint copy! I highly recommend it if you’re a Kirby fan.
January 21, 2021
I had this treasury in my original collection, now, alas, long gone. Currently I have two reprints of the story, one in a color trade paperback and one in a black & white “Essential” volume. So OF COURSE I’ll be ordering this new edition. It’s CAP! It’s KIRBY! It’s a CLASSIC TREASURY! So long as the story isn’t completely redrawn by a bunch of modern artists (I’m lookin’ at you X-Men!) I am definitely excited!
Make Mine (Classic) Marvel!
“Groovy” Mike Decker