Riddle me this: What was revealed on the new Batcave Podcast?
We’ve been having a grand old Bat-time covering Funko’s new line of Batman ’66 3.75-inch action figures since it was announced at Toy Fair. (Click here for a full INDEX of our coverage.)
And now there’s more! Funko’s senior product designer Reis O’Brien — a huge Batman ’66 fan — joined us at John S. Drew’s Batcave Podcast to talk about what we’ve seen so far — and, even more compellingly, what’s coming.
Click here or here to listen or check it out on iTunes or Stitcher.
Here are just a few tidbits from the podcast:
— Funko has an eye on two more waves, perhaps more. But you gotta show ’em you want ’em by buying from retailers. The Batmobile with Batman and Robin is hitting now (click here for info) and Wave 1 is due in June (click here).

Wave 1 prototypes at Toy Fair. The cloth capes on the Batmobile figures have been replaced by soft plastic.
— It doesn’t take a Professor Overbeck to tell you that the Joker, Riddler and Penguin are coming.
— Eartha Kitt Catwoman is very much in play.
— Two suits for the Riddler?
— The company wants more of the secondary villains — and Egghead is a personal favorite of Reid’s.
— Since the Eli Wallach Mr. Freeze figure was such a surprise, we talked about the possibility of more villains who haven’t been seen in merchandise yet — and the related licensing complications.
Funko likes variants. Is Pink Cowl Batman a possibility?
— Green Hornet and Kato are under discussion but there are issues to be considered. (Click here to read more about that.)
— We discussed the chances of different vehicles. Multicolor Batmobiles are already planned but we went over the possibilities of, say, the Batcopter, the Batgirl Cycle, etc.
— We even discussed the chances of a Batcave playset.
Again, there’s much more on The Batcave Podcast. I’m just scratching the surface here. So by all means, click here or here or listen on iTunes or Stitcher.
For even more coverage, check out the FUNKO BATMAN ’66 INDEX. Click here!
May 21, 2017
Give me Riddler(s). I’m there.
May 21, 2017
How about those molls, such as Molly, Susie or Blaze?!?
May 21, 2017
June 16, 2017
why multicolor batmobiles? the batmobile is black period. That is the crap that stalls a line. Do the basics first and complete things before going off on tangents that never sell
June 16, 2017
Maybe it will feature the color scheme from the animated intro with the blue highlights.
May 3, 2018
The various “Traps” they were put in causing tune in next week part 2 episodes would be cool as well! The Clam, Robin on jokers blade table, Slot machine in back of the semi-trailer etc…