The Feline Fatale gets the decade-tribute cover treatment for the one-shot Catwoman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1…
Just the other day, we showed you the final versions of the decade-tribute variants for March 11’s Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Spectacular #1 — complete with era-appropriate logos. (Click here to check ‘em out!)
Well on Wednesday, DC released the decade covers for April 15’s one-shot Catwoman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1.
Dig these:

1940s: Adam Hughes

1950s: Travis Charest

1960s: J. Scott Campbell

1970s: Frank Cho

1980s: Stanley “Artgerm” Lau

1990s: Gabriele Dell’Otto

2010s: Jeehyung Lee
A few thoughts:
— There’s always at least one that jumps way out front and in this case it’s J. Scott Campbell’s snazzy Julie Newmar tribute for the ’60s cover. I also dig the lettering, which riffs on the Batman ’66 logo.
— Am I the only one who sees the Joker’s contorted face in Catwoman’s cape on the ’40s cover by Adam Hughes? After all, April is also the Joker’s 80th anniversary.
— Speaking of, I’d wager we’re not too far away from seeing the Joker 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super-Spectacular #1 decade covers. (Click here for more on that.)
— Those are not the final colors for Frank Cho’s ’70s piece.
— Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair are doing a 2000s variant but it’s not been released yet. Look for it soon. I imagine it’ll be very Hush-y.
— And it shouldn’t be long before we see the trade dress on these, either. I’m looking forward to seeing if the logos are as clever as the ones for the Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super-Spectacular #1. (Click here to check those out.)
— DC to Release JOKER and CATWOMAN Masks For 80th Anniversaries. Click here.
— DC’s 1970s ROBIN Anniversary Cover Is a Treat For MEGO Fans. Click here.
February 27, 2020
That Artgerm portrait of Catwoman is absolute purr-fection!
February 27, 2020
What a shame they didn’t get Jim Balent to do the ’90s cover.
February 27, 2020
I wish there was a Darwyn Cooke-inspired cover. None of these jump out at me. (I don’t like the face on the 60s cover.)
February 28, 2020
I think the 60s variant is the best, and the one from the 50s is the weakest. It is not a bad illo, but it does not look in any way like the 1950’s–it looks more like something from the 20s or the 30s. I agree that getting Jim Balent to do the 90s cover would have been the way to go.