An EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK at the era-appropriate logos for the Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 covers…
I love decade-tribute covers for anniversary and landmark issues — especially how DC Comics uses an era-appropriate logo for each one. Click here to check out March 4’s The Flash #750 covers, for example.
As you already probably know, the Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 one-shot is coming March 11. (Click here for more info.) Thing is, Robin didn’t get his own solo title until the Modern Age. What to do about previous eras?
Well, DC found some very creative solutions — some expected, some not.

1940s: Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair

1950s: Julian Totino Tedesco

1960s: Dustin Nguyen
I’m gonna break in here for the 1970s cover. That one is extra-special and deserves its own spotlight. Click here to check it out.
But here’s a hint:

1980s: Frank Miller and Alex Sinclair

1990s: Jim Cheung and Tomeu Morey

2000s: Derrick Chew

2010s: Yasmine Putri
A guide:
— The 1940s logo is from Detective Comics #38 — Robin’s debut. (Click here.)
— The 1950s logo is from an interior Batman banner. At least the word “Robin” is. I’m not sure if the entire banner above was ever used anywhere, but I don’t believe so.
— The 1960s logo is a riff on the lettering from the Batman TV show:
— The 1980s obviously apes The Dark Knight Returns (click here), and the others have been in use over the last 30 years.
— DC’s 1970s ROBIN Anniversary Cover Is a Treat For MEGO Fans. Click here.
— DETECTIVE COMICS #38 to Get Re-Released as Facsimile Edition. Click here.
February 22, 2020
Robin’s gonna have quite an anniversary on his or her hands.