One of the most-requested Bronze Age omnibi looks to be back on track…

Well, lookee here: Batman: The Brave and the Bold: The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 3 has emerged from cancellation hell and appears set for a 2021 release.

The volume was solicited by DC some time back and was subsequently cancelled, much to the frustration of longtime fans, seeing as how the edition was designed to complete the series with Issues #157-200.

But according to an Amazon listing, it’s back on track. Dig the official description:

Batman: The Brave and the Bold: The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 3

Batman’s team-up tales 1980s as the Dark Knight battles evil alongside Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Black Lightning, Superboy, Swamp Thing and more.

In these stories from the early 1980s, Batman fought evil side by side with DC Comics’ greatest–and, occasionally, strangest–superheroes, including these tales guest-starring such legendary characters as Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Black Lightning, Superboy, Swamp Thing and more.

Collects THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #157-200.

A few thoughts:

— Speaking anecdotally, this is probably the one book most wanted by Bronze Age fans right now. Virtually every time we report that DC has a cool collection on the way, somebody will comment, “Yeah, but what about The Brave and the Bold Vol. 3?”

— Now, that said, here’s a REALLY BIG CAVEAT: I always note that nothing is official until DC solicits a book. And even then it can change, as was the case here. So this is by no means a sure thing until it’s a sure thing. But keep your eyes open.

— The 904-page hardcover lists for $99.99, with an Amazon release date of Jan. 12, 2021. That means it would be in comics shops the week before. At the same time, since this is so far out, this could just be a placeholder date.

— Tip of the cowl to reader and fellow comics historian Glenn Greenberg for pointing this out to me!


— SUPERMAN VS. WONDER WOMAN Treasury to Be Re-Released — at FULL SIZE. Click here.

— BATMAN #321 by WEIN, SIMONSON and GARCIA-LOPEZ to Get Facsimile Edition. Click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. DC is being quite brave and bold about wanting to post their classic material, even though there’ll be hiccups along the way.

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  2. You’re right about this being the most-wanted BA Omni… even more than the Justice League BA volume cancelled around the same time, it’s been really hard on the collector OCD to have the first two books on the shelf without the series being completed!

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  3. Please let this be true.
    Its my number #1 collection on my want list.

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  4. So happy to hear this. And while it will close out the collection I was disappointed that vol. 1 left off issues 59, 64, and 67-71

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