Just for fun. And because there’s a movie!
Hey, guess what! Shazam!, starring Zachary Levi, is out now.
But you knew that. How could you not?
Anyway, let’s look at 13 COVERS starring the original Captain Marvel!
Because while movies are cool and all, comics are where it’s at.
Holy moley!
C.C. Beck
Jerry Ordway
Rich Buckler pencils, Dick Giordano inks
Al Weiss
Doc Shaner and Jordie Bellaire
Bob Oksner
Kevin Maguire
Cameron Stewart
— The Secret Origin of TV’s SHAZAM! Click here.
— CAPTAIN MARVEL: A Look at the World’s Mightiest Serial. Click here.
Covers and credits from the immortal Grand Comics Database.
April 5, 2019
I’m so glad you’re doing justice to the Shazam character through these covers. ^-^
April 5, 2019
Thank you, Philip!
April 5, 2019
Still wish DC could call him Captain Marvel. They did even in the 70s while the comic book was called Shazam! Oh well.
April 5, 2019
They CAN call him Captain Marvel. They did in Convergence. It’s just that the whole world now associates the word with Marvel with another film franchise.
April 6, 2019
Yes. Calling him Shazam was a choice.
April 6, 2019
And a disturbing one it was…
April 6, 2019
Yeah, I mean, I get it from a marketing standpoint. But it’s just another unfortunate turn for a star-crossed character. The thing is, there are a lot of people who think of him as Shazam anyway and that’s part of what drove it. It’s sort of like Frankenstein’s monster being called Frankenstein.
April 5, 2019
Nice! I would add Masters #23 – one of the few Mac Raboy covers to feature Captain Marvel. Yes, I refuse to call him Shazam – he was born Captain Marvel and will remain Captain Marvel, no what the Evil Mouse Corporation says.
April 12, 2019
Ordway’s Power of SHAZAM! was an awesome book!