Murphy Anderson was born July 9, 1926.
Whether as penciller or inker, Anderson was one of the major architects of DC’s Silver Age — and this year, we’re putting the spotlight on one of his top assignments: the covers for Justice League of America.
Anderson and Mike Sekowsky shared or collaborated on cover duties for most of the landmark title’s first 60 or so issues — including the initial Brave and the Bold entries.
I’ve selected a number of my faves here — but feel free to add your own in the comments below or in whichever social-media thread you found this.
Anderson died last fall at the age of 89. At the time, I asked a number of the field’s top artists to pick their favorite Anderson covers from his entire career. So if you’d like to see selections by creators like Dave Gibbons, Mike Allred, Paul Levitz, Fred Hembeck, Ron Marz and many others, click here.
PLUS: If you’d like to see 13 Hawkman covers, click here!

Anderson pencils and inks

Sekowsky pencils, Anderson inks

Anderson pencils and inks

Anderson pencils and inks

Sekowsky pencils, Anderson inks

Anderson pencils and inks

Anderson pencils and inks

Sekowsky pencils, Anderson inks

Anderson pencils and inks

Anderson pencils and inks

Anderson pencils and inks

Carmine Infantino pencils, Anderson inks

Sekowsky pencils, Anderson inks
For cover selections by creators like Dave Gibbons, Mike Allred, Paul Levitz, Fred Hembeck, Ron Marz and many others, click here.
For 13 Hawkman covers, click here!
Cover images and credits from the just Grand Comics Database.
December 22, 2019
I like this classic cover art very, very much.