The creator of one of the world’s most popular heroes takes you back to the start…
Long before Chris Pratt and Come and Get Your Love introduced an immature and self-centered Peter Quill to millions of moviegoers, there was a shadow of an idea from one of comicdom’s most fertile minds.
Steve Englehart — best known for his seminal Batman run in Detective Comics, as well as famed stints on Captain America, The Avengers and Justice League of America — created Star-Lord from the germ of an idea and then promptly left the character behind.
Englehart tells the story to writer Glenn Greenberg in Back Issue #119 — the Guardians of the Galaxy Issue — due out March 18.
I’ve chosen the interview for our regular EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT — but first check out what else the issue has to offer:
So obviously if you’re a big GOTG fan, this issue is for you.
But back to out EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT. Greenberg’s piece on Peter Quill’s beginnings goes into great detail — but it begins with Englehart.
Check it out:
The origin turned out to be the only Star-Lord story that Englehart ever wrote.
“That was part of my abrupt departure from Marvel,” he told Greenberg. By the summer of 1976, he was over at DC.
There’s much more that follows, including insights from Chris Claremont, Doug Moench and more, so by all means pick up the entire issue. It’s due in comics shops March 18, as I noted, but you can also get it directly through publisher TwoMorrows. (Click here.)
— It’s Official: DC Re-Solicits the ENGLEHART-ROGERS BATMAN Hardcover. Click here.
March 7, 2020
This is very nice.
March 7, 2020
Guess my understanding of the origins of the character are different, but I remember a different version done by John Byrne. I liked the costume and the character as it was then. I was not aware of the re-imagining of Star Lord that we celebrate in the movies now. To me they’re two different things. I REALLY like the original Byrne one that was introduced to me. He had a ship that he called SHIP,….and she was evidently a living being. The character had a nobility. It was all so cool. That black and white mag was real special to me.
I also like the, evidently, retconned version we’re talking about today. I kind of wish they were two different things.