The 6-issue miniseries starts 11/1 — coinciding with the Day of the Dead.—
The wait is over for all you Neal Adams fans out there: Deadman #1, the artist’s latest DC miniseries, is upon us, glow-in-the-dark cover and all.
Deadman is Adams’ first major project since last year’s The Coming of the Supermen, a Kirby-infused tale rife with Bronze Age-style bombast. It’s also the first time he’s told a story starring Boston Brand — one of his signature characters — in nearly 50 years.
But just as Deadman was a guest in Adams’ relatively recent Batman: Odyssey, the Darknight Detective’s world will loom large in this 6-issue epic that promises to rewrite Brand’s history. (Click here for more on the project, including a look at the original inked art.)
Oh, and make sure you check out our recurring series NEAL ADAMS’ DEADMAN TALES, in which the artist discusses his classic covers from the ’60s. It’s pretty cool and you can find it here.
Now, on to your EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW:

The fancy glow-in-the-dark effect.
MORE: For the complete NEAL ADAMS’ DEADMAN TALES Index of stories, click here.