A format befitting a classic…
I dunno if you’ve checked Marvel’s latest solicitations, but there’s a doozy in there: The Avengers: Kree/Skrull War Gallery Edition by Roy Thomas and Neal Adams is coming in 2023 in all its oversized — 9 1/4″ x 13″ — glory.
Dig the official solicitation info:

Placeholder art from the cover of Avengers #93
Written by ROY THOMAS
An all-time cosmic classic and one of the most important Marvel stories ever told! The galaxy is rocked by a conflict of star-spanning proportions — with Earth caught in the crossfire! The eternal intergalactic enemies, the merciless Kree and the shape-changing Skrulls, have gone to war — and our planet is situated on the front lines! Can Earth’s Mightiest Heroes bring about an end to the fighting before humanity becomes a casualty of war? And what good are even a dozen super-powered champions against the vast military machines of two of the great empires of the cosmos? The key to victory lies with the expatriate Kree Captain Mar-Vell and his human host, honorary Avenger Rick Jones! Collecting AVENGERS (1963) #89-97.
A few thoughts:
— I am getting this for sure because (don’t hit me!) the Kree-Skrull War is one of my gaps and if I’m gonna read it, I wanna read it all big-like and whatnot because of the fab art and cosmic scope. Gallery Editions are just a tad smaller than the classic Bronze Age treasury editions. Groovy!
— The hardcover is 240 pages and lists for $44.99. It’s scheduled for Jan. 18, 2023.
— I’m really looking forward to seeing this double-page spread by Neal Adams and Tom Palmer in such a lush edition:
— NEAL ADAMS: Not Only Was He a Legend — He Was a MARVEL Too. Click here.
— 13 REASONS to Love MARVEL COMICS in the BRONZE AGE. Click here.
June 24, 2022
Even though I have reservations about this storyline (I won’t spoil, Dan! But the ending didn’t stick it for me.), having this ENTIRE ARC collected in a reasonable hardcover treasury format?!? Even as parenthood looms, this might be a “New Year’s Treat” purchase for me!
June 24, 2022
I know what you mean! I first read this in the 1980s Baxter reprint 2-part series that only reprinted #93-97 (excluding the Sal Buscema issues). The ending seemed way out of left field. But later when I tracked down the earlier chapters I found out that Roy Thomas had planted some seeds back at the beginning that made the resolution a little bit easier to accept. But the final destination aside, it is a great ride getting there. One wishes the storyline had gone on for several more chapters, and how often can we say that about multi-part continued storylines in comics?
June 24, 2022
I must admit my own gap in having not read it either. I may have to get this as well.
June 24, 2022
>>> dunno if you’ve checked Marvel’s latest solicitations
Where would one go to do just that?
June 25, 2022
Treasury size would have been better. Especially for such deserving artwork.
June 25, 2022
This is less than an inch slimmer than the traditional treasury. Very close to the same size.
June 25, 2022
If this is anything like the Jim Starlin Warlock Gallery Edition, it’s going to look stunning. Something to look forward to!