A man of action deserves such a dynamic artist.

Murphy Anderson, Gil Kane (and Dick Giordano), Joe Jusko
In case you missed it, for 13 weeks we’re celebrating 13 great comics artists who’ve put their stamp on Captain Action, the kitschy cool superhero supertoy of yesteryear. (Click here for more on that.)
Last week, we started off with Murphy Anderson, the godfather of CA artists. This week? One of his greatest contemporaries: Gil Kane.
“The legendary Gil Kane helped established the look of Captain Action in DC’s ’60s comic series,” says Captain Action Enterprises’ Ed Catto. “He brought his strong sense of dynamic energy to every page layout and created stunningly iconic covers. For Kane, Captain Action was also an important milestone, as the series was his first professional writing assignment.”
Just dig the imagery. I mean, it’s really too bad the comic lasted only five issues:
NEXT: Joe Jusko. Click here.
For the 13 Great CAPTAIN ACTION Artists Index, click here.
January 28, 2017
Love Gil Kane. Just love him.