Channeling the fan in all of us.

Murphy Anderson, Gil Kane (and Dick Giordano), Joe Jusko
For 13 weeks we’re celebrating 13 great comics artists who’ve put their stamp on Captain Action, the kitschy cool superhero supertoy of yesteryear. Click here for installments on other artists like Murphy Anderson, Mike Allred and Paul Gulacy.)
I always like hearing when an artist gets to work on a character they really dig.
Here’s Captain Action Enterprises’ Joe Ahearn on Art Thibert:
“When we began the Captain’s return to comics at Moonstone we were told that Art Thibert was a self- professed Captain Action geek, and that he wanted to contribute to the revival.
“Art put his mark on Captain Action by initially creating a fantastic promotional poster and subsequently providing pencils and inks to the covers of the Captain Action/Phantom crossover miniseries. He really got his superspy on with a final cover for Season Two, Issue #3, which was later repurposed for a cover to Overstreet’s Free Comic Book Day book in 2015.”
Neat. Here’s more:
NEXT WEEK: Chic Stone. Click here.