It’s still hot. It’s still sticky. There are still weeks before Labor Day. SURF’S UP!
Hey, let’s go to the beach — and bring your longboard! Because what we have here are 13 COVERS of hairy surfing action!
Oh, and I gotta tell you. I tried, really tried, not to include the Silver Surfer because that’s so dang obvious. Thing is, turns out he’s pretty much the only Marvel character who surfs. (Though Patsy Walker digs it.)
Anyway, hang ten, dig these 13 COVERS — and then treat yourself to the funniest Batman ’66 episode there is.
And while you’re at it, don’t forget to pick up TwoMorrows’ RetroFan #22 on Aug. 17. It features a cover profile on ’60s beach movies! (Click here to order or grab it at your local comics shop or magazine seller.)
— HANG FIVE: The BATMAN and JOKER Surfing Playset You’ve Waited Decades For. Click here.
— The BATMAN ’66 Top 13 Episode Countdown: Surf’s Up! Joker’s Under! Click here.
August 11, 2022
Surely this Wonder Woman cover DESERVED to be an episode of the Lynda Carter series! C’mon, how cool would it have been?!? (Though is that Dolphin on the cover?)
August 11, 2022
Now that was fun!
August 11, 2022
August 14, 2022
I belive the world of Archie cover was drawn by Bill Vigoda. Thanks for posting.