13 COVERS: A JIM APARO Birthday Celebration

The Brave and the Bold Forever.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: As much as Jim Aparo contributed to comics in general and Batman in particular, I will forever associate him with The Brave and the Bold.

That’s why for the third year running, I’m dedicating his 13 COVERS birthday salute to B&B.

From an artistic standpoint, he defined the title and the title defined him — and that’s not to knock his contributions elsewhere (Aquaman, Spectre, other Batman titles, etc.) in any way.

Aparo was born Aug. 24, 1932. He would have been 85. (He died in 2005.)

This year, I’ve chosen a more eclectic selection of covers because I didn’t want to repeat what I did the last two times around. But you can see those selections here and here.

And now, the covers…

All scans courtesy of the brave and bold Grand Comics Database.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. Good stuff!
    One of the things on my Bucket List is to track down #130! I had 129, and I wore that bad boy out! I read it to pieces! I think I have it in a Showcase trade paperback. but I want to find the actual issue.

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  1. 13 COVERS: A JIM APARO Birthday Celebration | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] — A JIM APARO Birthday Celebration: 2017 Edition. Click here. […]

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