The First-Ever Permanent BATMAN ’66 MUSEUM Needs Your Help

Holy fundraiser!

Last fall, we told you all about Mark Racop’s plans for a Batman ’66 Museum in Logansport, Indiana, which is where he operates Fiberglass Freaks, the only officially licensed makers of full-size, operational 1966 Batmobiles.

Plans for the museum include life-size statues of Batman characters, Bat-gadgets, a Batmobile replica — and the pieces de resistance: replicas of the Wayne Manor study and the Batcave.

Mark and co. were cruising along, but as often happens with ambitious projects like this, there have been some snags and now they’re seeking help through Indiegogo to get the project over the finish line:

The museum is trying to raise up to $20,000 for a variety of projects to meet certain standards.

“It’s a real Bat-astrophe!” Racop says in the Indiegogo appeal. “There are some state and city red tape requirements that were unexpected and we are working tirelessly to make those accommodations happen.”

The unfinished Batcave

Details of the campaign, which has the backing of city leaders, can be found here, as well as an accounting of what the money would go toward. There are various levels at which you can give and each comes with rewards, such as a museum plaque listing, season passes, merch, etc.

The unfinished Wayne study, complete with Batpoles

I have never been to Logansport but I tell you, if this were there, I’d go. Wouldn’t you?


— Your FIRST LOOK at America’s Only Permanent BATMAN ’66 MUSEUM. Click here.

— Dig These 13 Celebs Grooving With the 1966 BATMOBILE. Click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. I’ve been to Logansport, attended BatFest there several times, and know the Racops to the extent of being able to call them friends. They are the best people and if they say they need help to get this over the finish line, than they should be taken at their word. Please help.

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