It’s AVENGERS WEEK! We’ve asked some of the top names in comics to pick their favorite stories. Here’s Scott Tipton of Star Trek/Planet of the Apes fame, a 13th D regular — and Ant-Man aficionado!
For Kevin Nowlan’s pick, click here.
For Joshua Hale Fialkov’s pick, click here.
For Mike Allred’s pick, click here.
For Ron Marz’s pick, click here.
For Fred Hembeck’s pick, click here.
For Jim Salicrup’s pick, click here.
For Joe Pruett’s pick, click here.
Kurt Busiek and George Perez‘s Heroes Return debut story arc has to top my list. I’m a sucker for stories where the entire membership gets together; it almost never happens. Combine that with a time-jumping alternate reality of the days of King Arthur, the return of Simon Williams from his undeserved demise, and George Perez at the top of his artistic game like we hadn’t seen in years. Plus, Hawkeye being treated the way the ought to be: as Captain America‘s first-round draft pick. It’s great stuff.