Whosoever holds this pencil, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Kirby.
Welcome to 13 DAYS OF KIRBY 100, our celebration of Jack Kirby’s centennial, produced in conjunction with TwoMorrows Publishing. Over 13 days, we’re serializing the publisher’s forthcoming book KIRBY 100, edited by Jon B. Cooke and featuring essays and artistic contributions by 100 of the biggest names in comics, such as Alex Ross, Dave Gibbons, Kelley Jones, Mike Allred and many, many others.
For the complete 13 DAYS OF KIRBY 100 Index of stories and features, click here.

Kirby pencils, Chic Stone inks
In this installment, fellow legend Walt Simonson, Kirby’s most worthy successor on Thor, writes about Journey Into Mystery #113 — the first Marvel superhero comic he ever read:
NEXT: Mike Allred ventures into the Fourth World. Click here.
KIRBY 100 is due to be released 8/28, the King’s 100th anniversary. It will be available in stores, online and directly through TwoMorrows (click here to order).
For the complete 13 DAYS OF KIRBY 100 Index of stories and features, click here.