JULIE NEWMAR on ADAM WEST: He Was a ‘King to the End’

To Batman, Thanks For Everything, Love Catwoman

UPDATED 6/9/18: Adam West died a year ago today. This first ran 6/10/17, the day the public found out. But it’s as timely now as it was then. Enjoy. — Dan

Julie Newmar has some wonderful things to share about Adam West, who has died at the age of 88 after a short battle with leukemia.

“The first words that come to mind are steller, examplar, a king to the end,” she said in an interview just now from her Los Angeles home.

“He was bright, witty and funny,” she said. “I knew I would miss him in the physical world, but also savor him in the greater sense of his being with us.”

Julie is loath to compare actors but referred to West as the Cary Grant of television superheroes — an appropriate reference, I’d agree.

“He was perfect as himself in the role,” she said. “And the opportunity to either play with the best or be the best in the part is a high privilege.

“I think he seized the opportunity,” she added. “It was more than luck playing a role with his success. See, he was Batman. I am Catwoman. When you take all the measurement of physical, spiritual and mental.”

West and Newmar’s chemistry was palpable. They absolutely sizzled amid the show’s DayGlo colors, so I asked her what it was like to play off one another.

“Easy,” she replied. “Perfect and natural. It flowed. And a lot of that credit goes to those who created it for us, the writer, the producer, etc., the production people.”

Here’s one of my favorite examples:


Julie said Adam West understood acutely what it was to be Batman for generations of children and adults like me, people who saw more than an actor in a cape, but a hero or even a father figure.

“He was devoted,” Julie said. “He cared about what all this was, and the gift that was given to him. He nourished it. He made his life bigger from it. … I think he flourished from this honest admiration from people such as yourself and others.”


For ADAM WEST: A Birthday Celebration, a series of interviews and tributes to the greatest Caped Crusader, click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. These people are true TV legends, and nobody will ever replace them! the death of Adam West is greatly a lousy way to start a weekend, and Julie Newmar’s sentiments are perfectly stated! we will grieve over the loss, but we as fans will also cherish Adam West’s Batman for many lifetimes, as his 1966-68 ABC series will continue to entertain the next generation of new fans out there, and with great pleasure! Julie Newmar’s feelings are quite valid, given that her “Catwoman” role out of the six actresses,seven, counting the voices of Jane Webb, Melendy Britt, and Adrienne Barbeau,who all put Catwoman on the map as one of Batman’s greatest of foes, Julie Newmar’s Catwoman totally rules!

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  2. I am very sad to here the news! I watched the show as a small boy and always had a deep love for batman. The show still holds up beautifully after all these years. Adam West was a real star in the best sense of the word. My condolences go out to his family. He will truly be missed!

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  3. Adam will live in our hearts and minds until we’re invited to meet him in the Bat Cave

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    • May Mr. Adam West R.I.P. he was a great talent and I let him know that and thanked him when I met him at the Hanover Comic Con. He will be missed by his legend will go on forever as fans of the show watch it with their children. Over 50 years have passed and he has fans all over the World who love him and miss him. Bless this man.

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  4. The Sadness is almost unbearable. For those of us who grew up in the 60s and 70s, although the cinema has given others, very good in theirs, it was he who gave us many joys in childhood and we waited week after week the outcome of situations that astonished those who were children, Rest in peace, Batman.

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  5. Still hard to wrap my head around losing Adam West. The one and true Batman was a hero to many! The role he played was so life-like that it is hard to imagine him in another role. I have not slept much since hearing the news. Reading posts and blogs has helped me cope with the loss. And knowing that others share my grief is also a useful way to deal with personal losses in life that mean so much. Adam West will never be forgotten. RIP, BATMAN! You are and always be #1. There are no others.

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  6. Classic. Absolutely beautiful. It was always a great day when Catwoman was Batman’s nemesis du jour.

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  7. there’s only 1 batman and that’s Adam !!! RIP my childhood hero !! he’s gone to the batcave in heaven I’m sure

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    • Adam West defined Bruce Wayne and Batman… Everyone else has to match his Characters… Michael Keaton, in my view, is the only Actor to pull off both… Clooney did a good Bruce Wayne, Kilmer did a good Batman, but all the others missed both…

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  8. “Holy mush!” Exclaimed Robin. How can you “act” with Julie Newmar that close to you? Adam truly was THE BATMAN! How we love the entire Batman family,cast and crew. Many thanks to you and yours!
    …and of course I still watch!

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    • A great actor, and man, has passed.

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  9. Did anyone ever ask Adam West what he thought when “Birds of Prey” revealed that Batman and Catwoman had a daughter?

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  1. ADAM WEST Dead at 88 | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] — JULIE NEWMAR on ADAM WEST: He Was a ‘King to the End.’ Click here. […]
  2. NEWMAR, WARD & MERIWETHER to Pay Tribute to ADAM WEST | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] For an interview with JULIE NEWMAR about the legacy of ADAM WEST, click here. […]
  3. ADAM WEST: A Birthday Celebration | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] — JULIE NEWMAR on ADAM WEST: He Was a ‘King to the End.’ Click here. […]
  4. A JULIE NEWMAR Birthday Salute | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] — JULIE NEWMAR Pays Tribute to ADAM WEST. Click here. […]
  5. EXCLUSIVE: Read ADAM WEST’s Final Published Work | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] — JULIE NEWMAR on ADAM WEST: He Was a ‘King to the End.’ Click here. […]

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