Hawkman: Found is flying your way…

Main cover by Liam Sharp and Jason Wright
DC’s Metal keeps barreling along and come 12/27 one of the event’s biggest tie-ins is released: Hawkman: Found, a one-shot by Jeff Lemire, Bryan Hitch, Kevin Nowlan and Alex Sinclair that reveals what’s happened to the missing Carter Hall.
I’m not even going to guess what that may be — in part because Metal itself is unpredictable but also because Hawkman’s 77-year history (click here if you dare) is so convoluted that anything seems possible.

Variant by Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair
Personally, I’m looking forward to whatever DC has in store. I have a soft spot for any character that was so prominent in the Silver and Bronze Ages.
With all that in mind, I’m tickled that Hawkman: Found’s Jeff Lemire, one of my favorite writers in comics, has put together this list of his 13 Favorite Hawkman Covers.
Seven hells, here they are!

Timothy Truman

Joe Kubert

Andrew Robinson

Kevin Nowlan




Kent Williams

Graham Nolan


Richard Howell pencils, Bruce Patterson inks

Howell pencils, Dick Giordano inks

— 13 Things You Didn’t Know About Hawkman. Click here.
— 13 Colorful — and Often Weird — Hawkman Designs. Click here.
— Why Hawkman Matters, by Tim Board. Click here.
Cover images and credits from the high-flying Grand Comics Database.