Two great tastes that taste great together.
OK, we’ve written a lot about Bill Murphy’s Amazing Heroes action figures featuring great public-domain heroes like the Black Terror and the original Daredevil plus more modern characters like Captain Action and Mike Allred’s Madman (click here), and we’ve covered Christopher Irving’s Madman 3D cards (click here).
So what happens when you have two great tastes that taste great together?
Right, you get Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Or, in this, case, you get the Amazing Heroes trading card set.
Yep, Irving has corralled the artists who were part of the action-figure line to take part in a new Kickstarter venture, and Murphy and Captain Action Enterprises are along for the ride.
The base set is 22 cards, but you can also get card packs in wrappers (!), plus funky extras like metal cards and so forth.
Included are characters like the Green Turtle (drawn by Sonny Liew), Captain Action (Phil Hester), Silver Streak (Tim Seeley), Stardust (Erik Larsen) and Daredevil and Madman (both by Allred).
Pledge levels start as low as $10. For the full rundown, check out the Kickstarter page (click here).
Because you like awesome stuff, right?