Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to…
Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension
The Adventures of Batman: The Complete Collection, Warner Bros. Discovery. Finally, finally, finally, finally. The 1968 Filmation Batman series has been remastered and is getting a Blu-ray release Tuesday — on the late Olan Soule’s birthday, no less. This is must-have material folks, especially considering how beautiful the remastered Filmation Aquaman cartoons are. My only is quibble is the same as yours: The package imagery is generic stock art. (Nice stock art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, but stock art nonetheless.) Anyway, there’s no hint of if or when these will be streaming, so grab your physical media now!
The Riddler: Year One #3, DC. I’m a big fan of 2022’s The Batman and just talked about it on Rob Kelly’s TreasuryCast, in the context of Paul Dini and Alex Ross’ Batman: War on Crime. Anyway, this 6-part miniseries, written by Riddler actor Paul Dano, fills in the gaps of the cinematic Edward Nashton’s past. Thing is, I kinda don’t want to know. Part of what makes the movie so effective is that we, as viewers, have to draw on our imagination for the details of the Riddler’s twisted path — and that may be more compelling than actually reading the details. So I’m torn.

Ben Oliver’s variant cover
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #10, Marvel. Dig this David Mack variant, which echoes the artist’s title sequence from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. So very nice.
Scott Tipton, contributor-at-large, 13th Dimension
Shazam!: Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters #1, DC Comics. This is a fun idea – the actors behind the Shazam Family in the movies write their characters’ adventures. I’m in.
The Immortal Iron Fist: Immortal Weapons Omnibus Vol. 1, Marvel. This was a great Iron Fist run by Ed Brubaker and co.; maybe the highlight for the character.
X-Men: The Animated Series – The Further Adventures, Marvel. This could be some fun reading while we wait for the series to return with new episodes on Disney+.