Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to this week …
Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension
Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love, DC. I really enjoyed the first issue — by Sarah Vaughn and Lan Medina — which was a half-subversive/half-reverent homage to the Gothic romance-comic genre, which has been all but forgotten in modern, mainstream comics. Basically, Deadman is stuck in a creaky mansion with a woman who has two loves on her mind. By the way, didja hear about Neal Adams’ new Deadman series? Click here.
Wonder Woman ’77 Meets the Bionic Woman, Dynamite/DC. I’m not much of a Bionic guy, whether it’s Steve Austin or Jaime Sommers (though I did dig my cousin’s Six Million Dollar Man action figure). And I didn’t watch Wonder Woman much growing up. But this is a pretty irresistible pairing and Andy Mangels and Judit Tondora are a good team to tackle the job.

The always cool Cat Staggs
Flash Gordon: Kings Cross #2, Dynamite. It’s basically the King Feature Justice League: Flash Gordon, the Phantom, Mandrake, etc. battle evil. Lots of fun from Jeff Parker and Jesse Hamm.
Batman #12, DC. I went to town recently on this storyline and how Catwoman’s been turned into a mass murderer. (Click here, if you dare.) Whether that’s “real” or whether it’s a feint, it’s not a very good story device. I’m hoping for some clarity this week, but when all is said and done, I’ll be glad when this storyline’s in the rearview. So why is it a Hot Pick? Well, just consider this a public-service announcement.
Scott Tipton, co-owner, Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood, Calif.
Flash by Mark Waid: Book 1 TPB, DC Comics. Very pleased the Waid Flash run is finally beginning to be back in print.
Ditko Unleashed HC, IDW Publishing. This mammoth museum catalog examining the career output of Steve Ditko is a must for anyone who considers themselves a fan of Ditko’s work.
X-Men Epic Collection: Lonely Are The Hunted TPB, Marvel. Classic late-Silver Age X-Men adventures, collected in trade for the first time!
Batman: The Animated Series Clayface action figure, DC Collectibles. This animated-style Clayface figure is insanely cool – love that axe hand!