A GOTHAM TRIBUNE EXTRA: This just in from the swingin’ city of Gotham …
I just got off the phone with Burt Ward with an update on the Batman ’66 video extras. Here are the highlights:
— It looks like the video collection will come out at the end of November, as anticipated by a lot of fans.
— Ward, Adam West and Julie Newmar have recorded initial interviews for the bonuses: “I taped about an hour and a half about different things about the show,” Burt said, adding that he was pleased they “looked at the more sophisticated aspects of the show” and that it was “very in-depth.”
— They have not recorded commentaries. “Who knows, y’know?” he said. “It’s just sort of evolving.”
— At least West and Ward will be at San Diego Comic-Con for Warner Brothers for a big push for the video set.
This is all I have right now, so speculate away beyond this …
May 1, 2014
On the Christmas list!
July 11, 2014
damn. it’s about time. what about THE GREEN HORNET 1966 DVD ? way overdue !