BATMAN ’66: A tux befitting one K.G. Bird…
UPDATED 4/28/24: Our friend, the late Dr. Stewart Berkowitz’s birthday was Friday (he was born April 26, 1959). He was the “Alfred” who owned one of the greatest Batman ’66 collections ever. In his honor, this weekend we are presenting highlights from that collection, which we first featured in 2018. Click here for much more. — Dan
For the past few months, we’ve been showing off a series of original Batman ’66 costumes owned by an anonymous collector dubbed “Alfred.” It’s a remarkable collection that includes all the main heroes and villains, as well as authentic and replica vehicles and assorted props.
So far, we’ve brought you UP-CLOSE LOOKS at Alfred’s Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Joker, Riddler and Catwoman costumes, as well as the original Penguin submarine prop from the 1966 movie. (Click here for much more on all that.)

A glimpse at the collection.
That brings us to our finale — a screen-worn Burgess Meredith Penguin costume.
Why today? Because Meredith was born Nov. 16, 1907.
Check this out:

Check out the chinstraps. This hat was used in the Season 3 two-parter The Sport of Penguins/A Horse of Another Color (aka the horse-racing episode).

Initials in the lining.

The Joker, Riddler and Penguin — all together.
Alfred will be suiting up a mannequin like the others in the set, but it’s still in the molding stage. So expect a coda to this series soon.
— The Greatest BATMAN ’66 Collection You’ll Ever See. Click here.
— Dig This UP-CLOSE LOOK at the Original 1966 PENGUIN SUB. Click here.
Special thanks to Dave DeVenter (aka BatDave of NJ BatSquad Studios) and John Brown of Gotham City Supercars for making this possible.
November 16, 2018
Smooth costume.
November 16, 2018
Thanks to “Alfred” for sharing these with you Dan, and for you bringing us this series. With our Blu-Rays and high-def TVs we see a lot more detail than we could before, but NEVER at this level.
November 17, 2018
March 2, 2022
The best Penguin ever. I hear his voice when reading the comics. The Danny DeVito version is an abomination. I’m interested to see the Colin Farrel version.