A magical Gotham history tour…
One of the coolest Action Comics #1000 retailer-exclusive variants was Dan Jurgens and Kevin Nowlan’s wraparound cover for Dynamic Forces.
And now that Dynamic Duo is back for Detective Comics #1000, out in March:

Sans trade dress, etc. Colors by Alex Sinclair.
My, my, my.
This is exactly the kind of cover you want to celebrate 80 years of the Caped Crusader.
I mean, I spy with my little Bateye, tributes to Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson, Carmine Infantino, Neal Adams, Frank Miller and Greg Capullo.
That’s pretty heady company right there, with the standard modern Batman front and center.
Nice. Very nice.
If you’re interested in picking this lovely edition up, contact your local comics shop. You can also get it directly through Dynamic Forces.
— Dig These DETECTIVE COMICS #1000 Covers
— DAN JURGENS Ranks the 13 Greatest ACTION COMICS Covers
— KEVIN NOWLAN Lifts the Cowl on His BATMAN Animated Designs
February 20, 2019
A tribute to Bob Kane by way of a Hal Foster swipe (reversed in this case)! Not to mention the costume design by Bill Finger. Great cover though!!!
February 20, 2019
Dan Jurgens, Kevin Nowlan, and Alex Sinclair will forever be commended for this 80th-anniversary variant cover for Batman.