Colored for the artist’s birthday by Walt Grogan!
Hey, it’s Joe Staton’s birthday and right on over here, we have a gorgeous gallery of 13 (plus) illustrations he did of the Justice Society.
But when I saw the Earth-Two Robin, I sent up the Birdsignal to our pal Walt Grogan, who as you know is both a colorist and a devotee of the Grown-Up Ex-Boy Wonder.
Walt darkened the inks a bit…
… and then splashed on the red, green and yellow:
He even did a version as if it were a story panel:
Wondrous, wouldn’t you say?
— Dig These 13 All-Star JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA Pin-Ups by JOE STATON. Click here.
— 13 GREAT ILLUSTRATIONS: The Groovy Glory of EARTH-TWO ROBIN. Click here.
A 10-year-old Walt Grogan fell in love with the Big Red Cheese thanks to essays written by Dick Lupoff and Don Thompson in the paperback edition of All in Color for a Dime, released in 1970 and bought for him by his father off a paperback spinner rack in a liquor store on the South Side of Chicago. Walt runs The Marvel Family Web Facebook page devoted to all incarnations of the Fawcett/DC Captain Marvel and blogs about Captain Marvel at
January 19, 2025
Wonderous indeed! Just love it. Beautiful!
From another Earth 2 Robin fan–a superhero who never got his full due.
Thanks, Walt! Thanks, Dan!
January 19, 2025
Great job Walt! And coloring the younger Robin’s vignette as a surprint gives us an idea what this would have looked like if Staton had illustrated E2 Robin’s Who’s Who entry. I love the Ken Steacy version, but this would have been great too!
January 19, 2025
I’m a huge fan of Joe’s pencils. I have a commission of Joe’s that hangs in my comic room. It’s a great B/W of Earth-2 BATMAN. I need Walt to color it! Happy birthday, Joe.
January 29, 2025
Nicely done.