Damian‘s back in full force and by full force, I mean FULL FORCE! Dig it!
So Robin has super powers now. Rad, I say, rad.
Adds yet another new dynamic (pun intended) to the Batman and Robin relationship: How does the ultimate hero without powers handle his willful, presumably still occasionally homicidal son, who’s not only back from the dead but can fly, has super speed and is bulletproof?
I can’t believe Grant Morrison never thought of this because at its core this is classic, early Silver Age wackiness only instead of the whole thing playing out in a single story …
… this will be the status quo until it’s not.
I am so loving this book.
But there’s something that is making me mental, as the Brits like to say.
DC‘s variant-cover theme this month is the Flash’s 75th anniversary: The powers that be commissioned a bunch of cool artists to do a bunch of cool covers featuring the Scarlet Speedster zipping his way through a bunch of cool covers from the past.
Like Aaron Lopresti’s Batgirl #38 salute to Babs’ first appearance back in the ’60s:
OK, so here’s what’s rubbing my rhubarb: Earlier this month, DC published Detective Comics #38. Let that sink in. Detective Comics #38. As in, Robin‘s first appearance. (This is also Robin’s 75th anniversary, by the by.)
And here’s the variant cover they used …
… which is a riff on Detective Comics #67.
So what’s the variant for Batman and Robin #38? This:
… which is a riff on Detective Comics #38!
ALSO ON THE BATSHELVES THIS WEEK: I don’t read Batwoman but Issue #38‘s got Ragman, so that’s worth notice. There are also Justice League #38 and Teen Titans #6, if only for its groovy Allred variant. (I’ve lost interest in TT, yet again, I’m afraid.) There’s also IDW‘s Batman: The Silver Age Newspaper Comics Vol. 2, which would have probably been this week’s pick. But we’re doing a whole special feature on that one! Check it out!