EXCLUSIVE: Spider-Man’s first appearance gets the full-on reprint treatment — ads and all…
Spider-Man’s debut in Amazing Fantasy #15 is easily one of the most-read stories in comics history but rare is the opportunity to see it in its original context.
Well, you’ll get your chance this October, when Marvel publishes the Amazing Fantasy #15 Facsimile Edition, a reprint featuring not just Stan Lee and Steve Ditko’s landmark story, but all the ads and features that appeared in the 1962 original. For $4.99.
Such. A. Deal.
Here’s the official solicitation blurb:

Jack Kirby pencils, Steve Ditko inks
Written by Stan Lee
Pencilled by Steve Ditko
Cover by Jack Kirby
The landmark, industry-changing issue that introduced the Amazing Spider-Man! When high school wallflower Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider, his life is transformed – first for the better, then for the worse! With his new array of arachnid abilities – including speed, strength, agility and, thanks to his scientific know-how, spinning webs – Peter seeks fame as the costumed celebrity called Spider-Man! But his cavalier attitude soon comes back to haunt him, and shatter the lives of his beloved Uncle Ben and Aunt May! Peter Parker is about to learn a powerful lesson, one that has never been taught better than by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko: With great power there must also come great responsibility! It’s one of the all-time great Marvel comic books, boldly re-presented in its original form, ads and all! Reprinting AMAZING FANTASY (1962) #15.
Pretty damn groovy.
There’s more, though. Marvel in October is also releasing a run of True Believers dollar reprints starring the X-Men — and you can click here for the details.
Oh, and come Monday, we’ll have news of another incredible Facsimile Edition. So make sure you check back! (UPDATED: Click here for the reveal!)
— EXCLUSIVE: MARVEL Releasing a Slew of X-MEN Dollar Reprints. Click here.
July 14, 2019
This is pretty brilliant news!
July 26, 2019
I don’t mean to doubt you, but I can’t find any other news about this, not even from Marvel. This is very exciting if true, I just want to know where this information came from. Thank you, and excelsior!
July 26, 2019
The info came from Marvel itself. After we ran our story, they released it in their October solicitations.