13 WONDER GIRL COVERS Just Because She’s Awesome

For kicks, Daddy-o! For kicks!

Y’know, most of the time I post 13 COVERS for a specific reason. Other times, like here, I just do it cuz it’s a gas.

See, I was a big Wonder Girl fan growing up but she’s pretty much gotten a raw deal over the last couple of decades or thereabouts.

So, inspiration struck and here we are: 13 WONDER GIRL COVERS just because she’s awesome. (And mayyyybe because I’ve been thinking about this big ol’ George Perez interview series we’ve got comin’ atcha soon!)

Anyway, we’re not talking young Diana or any others who’ve carried the name. We’re talking all Donna Troy, all the time — from the Silver and Bronze Ages (but with a little Modern Age tossed in).


Nick Cardy

George Perez

Eduardo Barreto

Cardy. Donna Troy’s first appearance.

Joe Brozowski pencils, Romeo Tanghal inks



John Byrne





Phil Jimenez pencils, Perez inks


— 13 STARFIRE COVERS Just Because She’s Awesome. Click here.

Most cover images and credits from the Grand Comics Database.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. Teen Titans #23 by the great Nick Cardy is one of my all-time favorite covers.

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