That’s Princess Koriand’r to you, pal…
The other day, we posted 13 COVERS spotlighting Wonder Girl pretty much for kicks. (Click here if you missed it — or want to check it out again.) The response was, I’m happy to say, very strong. A lot of love for Donna Troy out there.
So let’s follow up with 13 STARFIRE COVERS because she’s awesome too!
This is also a good time to note that coming this Sunday, we’re launching THE GEORGE PEREZ INTERVIEWS, a 13-part series with the comics legend, who’s retiring from the biz. (He’s Starfire’s co-creator with Marv Wolfman, natch. But you knew that.) So, by all means, come on back!
Anyway, on to the covers!

George Perez

Brian Bolland


Eduardo Barreto

Denys Cowan pencils, Dick Giordano inks


Amanda Conner


Chuck Patton pencils, Giordano inks


Jerry Ordway

Neal Adams pencils, Scott Williams inks

Barreto pencils, Romeo Tanghal inks
— 13 WONDER GIRL COVERS Just Because She’s Awesome. Click here.
Most cover images and credits from the explosive Grand Comics Database.
June 5, 2019
Thanks for this tribute to Starfire. The version of her I remember the most is from the 2003 “Teen Titans” TV show.