One of comics’ greatest inkers turns 69…
There are few inkers in the comics world as respected as Klaus Janson, who was born 69 years ago on Jan. 23, 1952.
He’s worked on some of the most popular and influential stories ever published, including — but by no means limited to — The Dark Knight Returns and Daredevil, both with penciller Frank Miller.
Across almost 50 years, Janson has worked on virtually every Big Two character in some form or another (including stints as penciller himself). His breakout title? Marvel’s The Defenders in the mid-’70s, where he worked over the linework of such diverse talents as Sal Buscema, Keith Giffen, Carmine Infantino and Gil Kane.
So dig these 13 SPLASH PAGES from The Defenders — and note how even as a young artist, Janson brought his own style to the table while preserving what made each penciller unique.
Right on.

Defenders #37

Defenders #42

Defenders #55

Giant-Size Defenders #2

Defenders #15

Defenders #51

Defenders #41

Defenders #44

Defenders #39

Defenders #38

Defenders #47

Defenders #36

Defenders #19
— MILLER & JANSON Talk Their Influences. Click here.
— THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS Gallery Edition Index. Click here.
January 23, 2021
Happy birthday, Mr. Janson!
January 24, 2021
Gil Kane and Klaus Janson. Dynamite team up