Art lives forever.
As you’ve undoubtedly heard, Darwyn Cooke has died. Though I did have some contact with him, I didn’t know him, really, so I’ll leave those remembrances to better voices.
But I know his art. Anyone who reads comics knows his art.
I quit comics because of burnout in the early ’90s but about 10 or so years later, I started getting curious again and one of the books that caught my eye was The New Frontier, this glorious, widescreen paean to the Silver Age. I’ve been a fan ever since. He is, in fact, my 17-year-old son’s favorite artist. That’s just one glimmer of how his work has transcended generations.
Our typical way of honoring artists here is with a 13 COVERS salute. Cooke, or, as he signed his work, Darwyn, deserves many, many more. But I’d like to hold to tradition, such as it is. So here are 13 Great Darwyn Cooke Covers.
Please feel free to add yours in the comments below or in whichever social-media thread you found this.
Darwyn Cooke, 1962-2016. Click here.
Darwyn Cooke Remembered: Comics Pros Pick Their Favorite Works. Click here.
For Darwyn Cooke’s Eight Great Will Eisner Stories Every Fan Should Read, click here.
For 13 Great Darwyn Cooke Illustrations, click here.

Absolute New Frontier slipcase
Cover images from the Grand Comics Database.
May 14, 2016
I’m not very familiar with Mr. Cooke’s work but that Gotham Adventures cover is spectacular!