A BIRTHDAY SALUTE featuring the art of Simonson, Hannigan, Sienkiewicz and MORE…
Who was the main Batman writer at the close of the Bronze Age? Why it was Doug Moench, who handled both Batman and Detective Comics.
Moench had two main Bat-runs — one in the ’80s that was highlighted by pre-Crisis Jason Todd taking on the Robin mantle and the other in the ’90s, which included the landmark Knightfall storyline. He also wrote the Batman: Red Rain Elseworlds vampire epic, among other well-regarded projects. In addition, he co-created Black Mask and popularized Det. Harvey Bullock.
Moench was born 75 years ago, on Feb. 23, 1948, so dig these 13 COVERS from that initial Batman period, when Moench tended the seeds sown by Gerry Conway and gave us a new Boy Wonder. (Next year, maybe it’ll be Detective Comics!)
Here we go:

Bill Sienkiewicz

Ed Hannigan pencils, Dick Giordano inks

Tom Mandrake

Paris Cullins pencils, Bob Smith inks

Hannigan and Giordano

Hannigan and Giordano


Rick Hoberg pencils, Giordano inks

Paul Gulacy

Gil Kane

Hannigan and Giordano


Walt Simonson
— 13 COVERS: The Rampaging HULK of DOUG MOENCH. Click here.
— 13 COVERS: A DOUG MOENCH Birthday Celebration — 2021 EDITION: MOON KNIGHT. Click here.
February 23, 2023
Wishing Doug Moench a happy birthday today.
February 23, 2023
Happy birthday! I remember all of those covers. Remember reading these stories fondly.
February 24, 2023
Would love to see Doug Moench’s 80’s run collected in a similar fashion to Gerry Conway’s Tales of the Batman volumes.
March 1, 2023
Batman #362. My All-Time Favorite “Riddler” cover.
Happy Birthday, Doug.