13 COVERS: An ALEX SAVIUK Birthday Celebration

Including interiors too!


Comics artist Alex Saviuk — born 72 years ago this month, on August 17, 1952 — is primarily known for drawing Spider-Man. He illustrated the Web of Spider-Man title for seven years (1986-1993), and then inked and/or penciled the Amazing Spider-Man comic strip for 22 (!) years (1997 through its cancelation in 2019), in addition to other Wallcrawler-related projects. But I first encountered him in the late ’70s at DC, where he had memorable stints on such titles as Green Lantern, The Flash and DC Comics Presents, and the back-up features in Action Comics.

Saviuk’s clean style was very appealing to me as a young reader, as everyone seemed consistent and “on-model,” and the storytelling was easy for me to follow. But just because his artwork was clean and clear, it didn’t make it any less dynamic. Not as flashy as some of his peers, Saviuk could nonetheless sell action and drama with the best of them. Even in small formats, like several of the mini-comics that came with the Super Powers Collection of action figures, Saviuk managed to pack a (Power Action) punch. He’s returned to the Super Powers theme this month, providing artwork for a series of variant covers for DC titles, designed by Jason Geyer, focusing on fantasy figures Kenner (or McFarlane Toys today) should have made for the toy line.

So, let’s take a look at 13 of Saviuk’s most dynamic covers and interior pages, in chronological order, from his run at DC in the late ’70s through the mid-’80s:

Freedom Fighters #15 (July/Aug. 1978), inks by Frank Giacoia

Green Lantern #116 (May 1979) inks by Dick Giordano

Splash from The Flash #277 (Sept. 1979)

DC Comics Presents #51 (Nov. 1982), inks by Frank Giacoia

Splash from DC Comics Presents #55 (Mar. 1983)

DC Comics Presents #57 (May 1983), inks by Dick Giordano

Splash from DC Comics Presents #57

Splash from DC Comics Presents #64 (Dec. 1983)

DC Comics Presents #72 (Aug. 1984), inks by Dick Giordano

DC Comics Presents #74 (Oct. 1984), inks by Romeo Tanghal

Interior page from Super Powers Collection Mini-Comic #15: Dr. Fate

Interior page from Super Powers Collection Mini-Comic #18: Green Arrow

Action Comics #582 (Aug. 1986), inks by Murphy Anderson


— 13 COVERS: An ALEX SAVIUK Birthday Celebration — 2023 EDITION. Click here.

— 13 COVERS: An ALEX SAVIUK Birthday Celebration — 2022 EDITION. Click here.

13th Dimension contributor Chris Franklin is a graphic designer, illustrator, writer, and podcaster, who co-hosts and produces several shows on the Fire and Water Podcast Network, including JLUCast.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. One of my favorite stories by Saviuk was an Aquaman back-up. Aquaman was partially trapped inside a block of, I think it was something like transparent plastic. Only his head and the right arm were still free.

    Thing is, even though the POV changed constantly, it was easy to see that the trapped part of Aquaman’s body was in exactly the same position. Down to the fingers of the trapped hand.

    I was really impressed by that consistency level.

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  2. DC Comics Presents #74, why not have Superman take Hawkgirl’s wings instead?

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  3. Alex Saviuk is a true creative talent, so I appreciate you highlighting him.

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