The Bronze Age mainstay turns 71…
The exceptionally prolific Al Milgrom — born March 6, 1950 — was one of the Bronze Age’s strongest workhorses, particularly while at Marvel.
Dig this 13 COVERS birthday salute, featuring one of the polyhyphenate’s best-known titles, West Coast Avengers.

Inks by Mike Machlan

Joe Sinnott inks

Sinnott inks

Sinnott inks

Sinnott inks

Sinnott inks

Machlan inks

Milgrom pencils and inks

Sinnott inks

Sinnott inks

Sinnott inks

Machlan inks

Sinnott inks
— 13 COVERS: An AL MILGROM Birthday Celebration– 2017 Edition. Click here.
— Marvel to Re-Release Slew of Major EPIC COLLECTIONS. Click here.
March 6, 2021
Happy birthday to Mr. Milgrom!
March 6, 2021
All the best, Al! Thank you for co-creating Firestorm. If I had to choose one AM cover it would be that amazing first issue’s.
March 7, 2021
Here’s wishing Mr. Milgrom a very Happy & Healthy Birthday. Hope all’s well.
March 7, 2021
Sorry I’m a little late to the birthday festivities. I hope you saved a piece of cake for me.
I hope Mr. Milgrom had the happiest of birthdays. He’s been one of my favorite comics creators since the late seventies. Those WEST COAST AVENGERS covers bring back some fun memories.
Here’s looking forward to many more birthday salutes to come.
“Groovy” Mike Decker