Iron Mike turns 75!
Mike Grell was born 75 years ago on Sept. 13, 1947. It’s been six years since we’ve done a 13 COVERS birthday salute highlighting Iron Mike’s classic run on Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, so that’s this year’s theme.
— Why MIKE GRELL Was Happy to Work on LEGION — and Even Happier to Leave It. Click here.
— 13 COVERS: A MIKE GRELL Birthday Celebration — 2016 Edition: LEGION. Click here.
September 13, 2022
Happy birthday to Mr. Grell!
September 13, 2022
Would love to see the Jon Sable version next year!
September 13, 2022
We did it three years ago! 😉
September 13, 2022
Happy Birthday, Mike Grell! When I first got into comics, my brothers had passed down their DC comics to me, but your Legion book was one of the first I bought for myself. I thought his clean line work and inking style was perfect for a futuristic book like Legion. And I loved Cosmic Boy’s redesign! I just always thought “wow, the future of superhero costume couture is incredibly innovative! I followed his work from Legion to “Warlord,” “Starslayer” and “Jon Sable, Freelance.”
September 13, 2022
Oh yeah! I loved these! Happy birthday, Mike!!!!!
September 13, 2022
SO MANY awesome covers! Happy Birthday fellow Mike! Just a few bullet points about these selections!
1. Issue 224: Bell-bottoms be damned; I still LOVE the design for Pulsar Stargrave!
2. Issue 234: If kid me saw this cover, with my love for Composite Superman, I would’ve gone crazy for ANOTHER composite character!
3. Issue 209: If teenage me saw this cover, Princess Projectra would’ve been my favorite Legionnaire. Wonder why…? 😉
September 13, 2022
Loved his Green Arrow and Jon Sable series.
Happy Birthday Mike
September 13, 2022
Read all of his titles….but, LSH and GL were my favorites. Happy birthday, Mike.
September 13, 2022
I’m pretty sure LOSH #213 was my introduction to Mike Grell’s gorgeous renderings. An issue of Warlord featuring sultry, bikini-clad females was the first comic my mother ever took away from me. Thanks for the memories, Mr. Grell!