Remembering a Bat-legend…
Hey, the late Dick Sprang’s birthday was July 28 — he was born in 1915 — but I was on the road and didn’t have a chance to post our usual 13 COVERS salute.
But better late than never, I say, especially when you’re talking about someone of Sprang’s stature.
So dig this selection:

Charles Paris inks

Paris inks

Paris inks
— 13 COVERS: A DICK SPRANG Birthday Celebration: 2018 Edition. Click here.
— 13 COVERS: A DICK SPRANG Birthday Celebration: 2017 Edition. Click here.
Cover images and credits from the buoyant Grand Comics Database.
August 3, 2019
As a very young kid, Dick Sprang’s Batman was the first superhero, beside Superman (comic book and old Adventures of Superman television series) that made me a fan forever. As I got older, I began to collect Batman Annual titles that featured Sprang’s art. During that time, I considered Wayne Boring and Curt Swan to be the best Superman artists ever (even though, they did draw Batman, too), Dick Sprang was entirely something else.
So, Happy Birthday to you Mr. Sprang!
August 3, 2019
Happy birthday to the late Mr. Sprang.
August 3, 2019
I want a Legends of the Batman: Dick Sprang series to happen.
August 3, 2019
Agree- It’s long past time that DC start to issue collections celebrating their great GA & SA artists – Sprang, Toth, Heath, Cole, Kubert, Swan, Etc.
August 5, 2019
My favorite Batman artist, pre-70s. I first met Mr. Sprang’s wonderful art in a World’s Finest reprint giant I picked up at a flea market when I was 4. This was my first exposure to the late Golden/early Silver Age Batman and Superman. It was mostly Sprang (with some Curt Swan). I was hooked. Even then, I understood the art was more stylized and designed for comics than what I was reading off the stands at the time. And underrated master.