Sometimes I get sentimental…
Happy Father’s Day to you folks.
I know that not everyone has a Dad — I was estranged from mine for most of my life — but so many of us have been lucky enough to have great surrogates to show us the way.
Still, I would be lying if I didn’t say that there were years when I was wistful on Father’s Day. But the beautiful thing is Father’s Day now means something completely different to me: It’s about the wonderful relationship I am so fortunate to have with my son, Sam.
Sam’s a great kid, though he’s not really a kid. He’s 22. But he’ll always be a kid to me in the same way that I’m still a kid to my Mom and always will be.
More importantly, however, is that he’s my friend — my best friend, tied with my wife, of course.

Years ago: Sam and me on one of our visits to the original 1966 Batcopter. That’s owner Eugene Nock on the right.
And even though he’s Nightwing now, I will always see the Robin in him — the partner in crimefighting, the aide-de-camp, the running buddy.
These days, Batman and Robin are always on the outs. I think it’s a big reason I don’t enjoy modern Batman comics anymore.
To me, Batman and Robin are a team, the Dynamic Duo. In the Bronze Age, Batman and Robin had their first real split when Robin quit college. But like adults, they patched things up. Because they are family. They are father and son.
Here are 13 BATMAN AND ROBIN COVERS from the Golden, Silver and Bronze Ages — and yeah, a few of them have a special meaning for Sam and me.
Happy Father’s Day.

Dick Sprang

Neal Adams

Dick Giordano

Marshall Rogers

Irv Novick


Jack Burnley pencils, Charles Paris inks

Ross Andru pencils, Giordano inks

Win Mortimer pencils, George Roussos inks

Jim Aparo

Ernie Chan

Sprang pencils, Paris inks

— A Father’s Day Tribute to ADAM WEST: The Bat-Dad of a Generation. Click here.
— 13 Fantastic Retro T-Shirts You Want NOW — 2021 Father’s Day Edition. Click here.
June 20, 2021
BATMAN #200 is one of my all time favorite covers of the Silver Age. And, I too do not care for the modern take in both animation and comic book form.
June 23, 2021
I agree. They are literally hard to read. Call me old (OK 70 is old) but such joy the earlier issues had. You could imagine yourself as Batman or Robin having adventures for the good of Gotham and mankind. Now, heck, his life is always hellish; I would never want to be in his shoes.