Variants! Variants! Variants! Coolest of the Week (12/11/13)

Aw, the hell with it. I’m not even gonna pretend anymore. I dig variants. Because I am a bona fide sucker. Chris Burnham told me so. Here’s the best this week!

Captain America. With a porn stache. Thank you, Francesco Francavilla.

Captain America. With a porn stache. Thank you, Francesco Francavilla.

Marvel again! Mirco Pierfederici channels John Romita Sr.

Marvel again! Mirco Pierfederici channels John Romita Sr.

What the hell, Marvel?! Joe Quinones brings the pretty.

What the hell, Marvel?! Joe Quinones brings the pretty.

Hey, DC's here! Aaron Kuder rocks. And I love Owlman. So there you go.

Hey, DC’s here! Aaron Kuder rocks. And I love Owlman. So there you go.

Riley Rossmo's awesomeness.

Riley Rossmo’s awesomeness.






Author: Dan Greenfield

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