I’m gonna just let the pictures tell the story here.
All of these were on display at Hasbro’s Marvel HQ down the street from the Javits on W. 41st Street. Some are on sale now. Some are to come. These are just my own picks of what I’d like for my own bad self.

Because Hawkeye is my favorite Marvel book. This is from the 12-inch Titan series. Only $10! On sale now.

Because two ScarJo heads are better than one. From the “Winter Soldier” movie/Infinite Series Legends line. $20, out this spring.

Electro from ASM2! Plus Boomerang, looking like he jumped off the pages of Superior Foes. Spidey movie/comics Infinite Series Legends line, $20. Electro out now.

A buncha Guardians of the Galaxy! Due in July. My wife will be glad there’s an extra Chris Pratt head. $20 each.
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