Up, up and away…

Jim Lee main cover
If you read 13th Dimension, you know we dig variants, what with our weekly wrap-up of the best in the biz.
So here’s something special: Seven of the variant covers for Action #1000, released Tuesday by DC.
Each one pays tribute to a specific decade, as you’ll see below. (Joshua Middleton’s 1980s homage was not included in the release. There will also be a blank variant. UPDATED 3/7/18: You can see Middleton’s ’80s cover here.)
Check ’em out — and let us know which is your fave:

1930s by Steve Rude

1940s by Michael Cho

1950s by Dave Gibbons

1960s by Mike Allred

1970s by Jim Steranko

1990s by Dan Jurgens

2000s by Lee Bermejo
Action Comics #1000 is out 4/18.
Can. Not. Wait.
February 20, 2018
Wow! All stupendous. Though, that 60’s Allred cover NEEDS to be a poster on my wall,
February 20, 2018
It’s a tie for me between the 60’s cover & the 30’s. Rude really should be doing more stuff. He does amazing work!
My era would be the 70’s. That’s when I started reading comics. I like Steranko but I wish they’d gotten either Garcia Lopez or Neal Adams for that cover. Other than Curt Swan, when I think 70’s, those are the artists I think of.
I haven’t bought a comic in years but I’ll pick this up.
February 21, 2018
Steve Rude
February 22, 2018
Love the Go-Go checks.
February 27, 2018
Nice work. The question becomes why can’t theu do quality inside as well. ( you know what I mean. No more John RomitaJr work please. Please get Rude full time).
February 28, 2018
They have been doing quality for quite some time. The Superman books are very strong right now.
For example: https://13thdimension.com/supermans-rebirth-in-praise-of-tomasi-gleason-jurgens/
March 12, 2018
When the list of artists were announced, I figured I would go for the Steranko cover, but I pre-ordered the Rude one. It is really beautiful.
Agree with everyone that I would have loved to have seen an Adams and Garcia-Lopez cover.
March 27, 2018
Im buying 2000s cover by Lee Bermejo