The saga of Hornblower, I mean the Guardian, I mean Herald…
Hey, it’s time for a new Back Issue magazine — which means it’s time for a 13th Dimension EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT from Back Issue magazine.
Issue #114 is due out July 10 and the theme, as you can see above, is Black Super-Heroes of the 1970s.
There’s a lot of heady, weighty material in this one, including in-depth analyses of Luke Cage, Black Panther, Black Lightning and so much more. (The story behind the UK censorship of the seminal Panther’s Rage — by Don McGregor, Rich Buckler, Billy Graham and others — is just one of the issue’s fascinating highlights.)
Check out the table of contents:
Amid all that terrific stuff, I couldn’t help but zero in on the Teen Titans’ Mal Duncan for our EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT.
DC never really knew what to do with star-crossed Mal — just look at one ill-fated concept, from Teen Titans #49:

Sorry, Dave Elyea — wherever you may be!
So, dig this piece by John Schwirian, in which you’ll find out everything you need to know about the Guardian Hornblower Herald Mal…
Back Issue #114 is out July 10. You can get it at your local comics shop or directly through publisher TwoMorrows. Click here.
— 13 TEEN TITANS Covers to Make You Feel Good. Click here.
— The Secret Origin of the TEEN TITANS. Click here.